Saturday, December 31, 2005

Selamat Tahun Baru!
Akemashite omedeeto gozaimasu!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm wishing you a Happy New Year 2006.
Hope next year will be a better year for all of us.
Leave everything behind and face up upon good things.
Wish you all the best!
Hope next year I will be a better person, become a new me
and can reach my goals perfectly.

digging your scene

Seharusnya gue menceritakan hari ini yang sangat menyenangkan.. tetapi, mood gue langsung berputar 180derajat gara-gara ngedenger lagunya Ivy. Tiba-tiba gue ngerasa aja kekosongan di hati gue selama ini yang selalu gue tutup-tutupi. sebenernya gue butuh seseorang, tapi semua itu bisa gue sembunyikan dibalik keriaan tawa gue. Wow. mungkin seharusnya sekarang gue bisa memenangkan sebuah Oscar untuk Pemeran Wanita Terbaik. hehehe..Bukan karena prestasinya yang bisa berubah-ubah sesuai dengan karakter pemeran yang dibutuhkan, tapi karena telah menjadi karakter yang stagnan selama setahun belakangan ini.

Tiba-tiba hati gue berasa 'bleesss'.. gue menyadari kalau masih ada yang kurang dalam hidup gue. Kemana aja gue selama setaun kebelakang ini? apa aja yang udah gue raih.. apa aja yang udah gue hilangkan..
Mungkin tahun ini adalah tahun kebangkitan seorang Devera. Dimana, Devera udah lulus D3 dengan nilai yang OK banget.. (secara, nilai sidang gue ke2 tertinggi di anak2 iklan'02 *mamer dikit..hihi), trus gue bisa keterima langsung di Ekstension UI! (untuk nina:terus berjuang ya,nak!aku akan selalu mendukungmu!) Soalnya, untuk masuk Ekstension ini bisa dibilang susah juga, karena dalam setahun hanya diterima 40an orang dari ratusan yang ngedaftar. Trus, gue juga sekarang udah kerja, meskipun part-time, jadi gue bisa punya duit sendiri dan sudah bisa membelanjakannya untuk hal-hal yang gue senangi (seperti belanja baju. haha). Gue sekarang merasa lebih dewasa dalam bersikap, bertindak, dan berbuat. Tetapi, dalam diri gue masih ada aja yang kurang. Apa? yaaaaaaaak.. yaitu gue tahun ini gak punya cowok!! aduuuuuuuuuh.. memang sih gue selalu menghiasi hari-hari gue ama sahabat-sahabat gue, tapi.. kemana gue?? cowok-cowok yang pernah sempet deket ama gue, kayanya begitu gue males, langsung hilang kemana. apa salah gue ya? apa gue terlalu picky? apa gue gampang ilfil? ato gue terlalu cuek? ato gue? ato gue apaa?? huh..

Menurut lo, sedih gak, kalo lo pengen seseorang jauh dari elo, tapi sebenernya dari dalem hati lo, lo gak pengen tu orang untuk terlalu jauh dari elo. Tapi kalo lo gak jauh ama dia, lo bakal mengalami kehidupan yang stagnan?
Beneran deh, gue sedih juga kalo dipikir-pikir. Gue kalo masalah hati, tuh susah banget berubahnya. Gue benci jadi Cancer. gue pengen menentukan sikap, tidak plin plan, gak mudah rapuh, melihat ke masa depan dan gak nengok lagi kebelakang.

Gue benci penyesalan, gue hanya pengen masalah yang ada di depan mata gue terselesaikan. Mudah kan?

::I'm in a complicated relationship or it was just me who make it complicated?:

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Kong the King

Finally I watched King Kong. Wheew.. it was a very good film! the effects overall was great! eventhough, my friend said that in some scene, the masking was not very good (yeah right, he is an editor.. not wonder that he can 'see' such things) But, still, I really love the film. and I think the casts is good too. I really love Adrien Brody.. *muah muah*. It's a-must-see-film this season..
My favorite scene is when they trying to find Ann in the Skull Island, they met a big dinosaurus thing.. ( i really don't know which is brontosaurus or other dinosaurus' name. hahaha) and the big dino were chased by a little carnivora dino, the effects were great! they were chasing one and another.. and when Jimmy running and almost slipped of the cliff, (which he didn't) Wheew! it was awesome! Bowo and I, we're just say " waaw keren!" and we clapped (a very silent clap, of course. hahaha)
That day, we spent almost 9 hours at PIM, wandering around PIM1, PIM2.. hahaha.. Today, i have a plan to go to PIM again, but I caught a flu and end up by sleeping all day. hehehe..

Sunday, December 25, 2005


I have completed my exam week!! hooraay!!
not included there is one more exam on tuesday, but it will be an open book exam, so i don't really have to study that hard. yippiee!! hooraay! hooray!!
i celebrate this by buying myself a new pair of jeans of Mango. because Mango is on salee!! hahaha.. (y'know this is not an everyday sight that i'm paying for a quite expensive one, but hey, why not!! a little bit of year-end present from myself..hehehe..) i went hours and hours at Pondok Indah Mall (PIM). until my legs hurts. and when i'm paying for the parking, i just realized that i spent 6 hours in PIM! hahaha.. 6 hours of shopping.. weewww.. it's feels so great.. hahahaha...
This week, my mom went Hajj. It's an Islamic tradition that everybody go to Mecca and hope for Gods blessings. It's very tough to do Hajj. cause.. just imagine.. every moslem in all around the world, gathered at one place at one time and all they do is praise the Lord. Cool,heh? Someday, I really want to go Hajj. and then be a better moslem. huehuehue..=)
Hoaah.. I have edit some of Tompi's photos..but i'm tired.. or.. i just work at it tommorow? howaaa tommorow i'm going to watch King Kong.. a Peter Jackson's newest movie. I really want to watch more movie from him, since the Lord of the Rings was a huge succesfull. That was awesome.. the effects, the casts.. Now, i'm really curious about King Kong.. I'll tell you later..

Merry Christmas!

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

I'm not afraid to start over.
It's just a feeling that we shared.
They can't take that away.
I'm not afraid to be lonely.
It's just a question of how long I have to wait.

Nothing more I wanted from you.

Monday, December 19, 2005

exam week

This Monday i'm on my exam week, so i didn't go to my office.(thanks for the flexibility,bos!hehe) My first exam was... ehmmm.. i don't know.. i'm a little bit hopeless about it. hehe.. there's only 1 analytical question. which, if i didn't answer it, i wouldn't get a point!! soooooooo.......... i just wrote everything inside my head. Just let it out..hahaha.. it's about trias politica and human rights in Indonesia, writing about a murder of Munir (a very 'vocal' man for human rights) which until this day the govnmnt haven't found who killed him and what the modus of his killing. Many speculation were told. But until now no one have the answer. I heard a news from the radio on my way home that Bono U2 will come to Indonesia to see the hearing of Munir's case. Wow! that's great!

and I heard that Franz Ferdinand will have a concert in Bangkok.. Waaaa... why they didn't perform hereeee?? I really want to watch them perform! I'm sure the show will be great.. cause I heard from my friend in sydney, he never get the tix for the show because the tix always sold out. Fuuh.. I'm sooo jealous.. Why, many musicians were afraid to held a show in Indonesia? Indonesia is a safe and friendly country.. hehehehe.. Recently, Michael Buble just canceled his show in Jakarta (not counting of many artists that canceled their show because of the bombing). *Aaarrgh I hate those people! They just ruined our peaceful country!

Within 2 weeks, new year's eve. Have anyone got a 'New Year Resolution'? hehehe I never got my 'new year resolution' done. I have this resolution from 2 years ago to give up smoking. But i never did.Hahahahahahaa... I think I'm going to have that resolution again this year.. :)

Friday, December 16, 2005


Semalem gue mimpi aneh banget..
Gue mimpi kawat gigi gue lepas yang bagian bawah (padahal sekarang gue tinggal make bagian atasnya aja) trus ceritanya pas gue lagi nyalon bareng ama kakak gue, gue makan sesuatu, eeeh trus gigi gue copot yang bawah (kaya geraham tapi kecil gitu) trus setelah2 itu, gue muncrat pas lagi ngomong.tapi yang muncrat itu adalah another gigi. aduuh aneh banget kan?
nah gue mikir.. "hmmm kalo mimpinya jelek, siapa tau gue bakal dapet yang bagus-bagus...dapet rejeki misalnya.." (ngarep sih sebenernya) tapi.. karena gue penasaran sapa tau gue beneran bakal dapet rejeki, pas gue cek ke internet.. hasilnya.....

kalo lo mimpi gigi lo lepas.. artinya ada keluarga atau seseorang di dalam rumah yang akan meninggal. nah berhubung mimpi gue spesifik, yaitu gigi gue yang copot itu bagian bawah, katanya lagi bahwa akan ada saudara lo yang meninggal.

aduuuuuh sumpah gue langsung menyesal ingin tau arti mimpi gue. tadinya pengen ngarep yang bagus, tapi kok malah jadi jelek gini dan bikin gue resah dari tadi..

Nah, tadi tuh gue mimpi gigi gue yang copot itu 2.. artinyaaa??

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

me.. so..


*grauk grauuk..

Monday, December 12, 2005

html.. hot milk ?

wheew, coding! I think i have to learn all about it so someday i'll have a nice blog. hehe..

Today i'm at my office again, while listening to New Order's newest album, Waitin' for the Sirens' Call, with duin' almost nothing of my works. Because my supervisor, she was absent today. (Hooraay!) Hehe So, for almost 2 hours i spent doing my drawing in illustrator. (Maybe someday you can find it here) But i think i still have to learn how to make a great designs. if someone can help me find an inspiring websites or something, please tell me...

Oh nooo.. heard my boss' voice from downstairs. Better split! Bye!

Sunday, December 11, 2005

spot on!

hai hai..
my 1st time in blogspot. but this is not the first time of all since i have a blog in friendster and ( so maybe you can read it from there for starters. But for now on, i think i'm going to have this blog as my primary.

so.. nice to meet you..
doozo yoroshiku!