Wednesday, March 22, 2006

another Q

waktu itu gue lagi ditengah kemacetan pasar lenteng agung. melihat disebelah kiri jalan ada sebuah mobil pickup menjual duren2..dan tiba-tiba another pertanyaan aneh terbesit dikepala gue..

Bisa gak ya ban mobil pecah setelah ngegiles duren?
Yang pecah yang mana? ban atau duren?


ato gak,
pernah realize gak kalo permainan terkenal anak-anak, 'gobak sodor' katanya berasal dari 'get back through the door?'

what is a story?

someone made some story
starring two creatures in the wild jungle
one feel they had a very lovely moments together
but the other doesn't
what have been the story?
cause i never been in the story
and never has.

Friday, March 17, 2006

the Time

Gue pernah dibilangin,
"Gak ada itu yang namanya 'Gak ada waktu'. Waktu itu selalu ada. Yang ada hanyalah bagaimana kita bisa pinter-pinter bagi waktu."

Waoow.. itu kata2 bener2 bermakna banget ama gue. Gue yang udah organized jadi lebih organized. tapi buruknya gue suka panik sendiri dengan manajemen waktu gue. gue selalu memadatkan segala kegiatan gue untuk sehari. atau seminggu. terkadang orang ngeliat gue, "ih pe lo sibuk banget sih?!" bukannya sok sibuk, tapi gue hanya memanfaatkan waktu yang ada untuk dikerjakan. bagus terkadang, tapi di sisi lain gue suka mikir, kemana waktu itu berlalu? apa gue pernah menyisakan tempat untuk gue sendiri? as if misalnya pergi ke salon atau tidur dengan cukup 8 jam sehari, atau duduk2 aja di ruang tv keluarga gue dan ngobrol dengan bokap nyokap?

hmm.. sekarang gue sakit. mungkin karena kecapean. dan rencana 3 hari kedepan terancam rusak. *sigh*

Wednesday, March 15, 2006


gue cuma penasaran,
kenapa perut kita bisa kemasukan angin?
darimanakah angin itu bisa masuk?
atau bagaimanakah angin itu bisa tercipta di dalam perut?

*pertanyaan yang muncul di kepala gue ketika gue kentut

Friday, March 10, 2006

back to my routine

fuuh..after almost a week i work at javajazzfestival now i'm having my old routine up at 730, went to work, went to campus at night, doing homeworks at midnite,sleep at 1 and then got up at 730 again..

on the festival i handled Mezzoforte. they played some kind of jazz funk instrumental.(hmmmmmmmm is it?) but it was nice,though. i really like their play. eventough i kinda find some hardways of dealing with them, but it's oke. it just a little different of what i have had last year,where everyday i handled meeting them, i got a very new experiences. i met with mr.ndea davenport too..(featured brand new heavies). Mr gulli and mrs. davenport had given my some lessons of life.which i will remember all my life and i'm going to have it all, as i promised to myself.the first time i met mr.thomas, mr.grimur,mr.bruno,mr.eythor,mr.oskar,mr.gulli,mr.johann,mr.sebastian,and mr.dag i hardly remember their names.hahahaha.. but now, sometimes i miss them so much.beside that, i really miss the joy i had on the festival. meeting new friends, hangout with them, sleeping and sharing bed with my friends, even one day i have to sleep on the floor,but it was a very good moments i have.

now, i'm going to singapore for a couple of days. after that i'm going to have my exam week. *sigh*